Bikes > Leader Kagero x Pedal Consumption >

Featured Bike Interview

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Pedal Room: What's your name, where do you live, and what do you do?

My name is Faz Adhili. Currently living in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. And i run my own designing studio. I do graphic design, photo/videography.

Pedal Room: How long have you been riding, and how often do you ride?

Faz: I've been riding since i can remember. But i just started riding fixed gear since 2010. I ride almost everyday because I commute from my house to my studio with my bike.

Pedal Room: I'll get right into it, your Leader Kagero x Pedal Consumption is beautiful. How'd you come across the frame?

Faz: Thanks Coomer! I met Patrick Thames in Jakarta for the Fixed Fest festival who brought his prototype Kagero and I fell in love with it. At first I was wondering what type of frame he's using because I've never seen one before. On the last day of the event we chatted about the frame set and he explained everything about it. Two weeks after that Patrick hooked me up with the Leader team and riding for them with the Kagero frame set.

Pedal Room: Does it see mostly velodrome, mostly street, or a mix of both?

Faz: I haven't ridden this frame in velodrome yet due to some workloads. But this frame will definitely be rockin' the velodrome anytime soon.

Pedal Room: How's it ride?

Faz: By far this is definitely the most aggressive and responsive frame set i have ever had.

Pedal Room: Your other track bikes are also very nice. How's the Leader compare?

Faz: I had the same frame geometry before this, the Trek T1 and LOOK 464, which the top tube is slopping at the back and it feels more relaxed. Compared to the Kagero, this would be my first pursuit track geometry frame set and it feels totally different because the geometry itself carries your body weight upfront, and it place your body posture in a great position for sprinting which suits my riding style for sure.


Faz and his Leader, photo by duraath

Pedal Room: Any really memorable riding stories?

Faz: Hands down, it's gotta be the Jakarta Fixed Fest 2011. Where i met a lot of great people, enjoyed great food, and feast my eyes with Jakarta's great scenery. It certainly was the best fixed gear event, period.

Pedal Room: What do you love/hate about your current bike setup? Any changes you're planning?

Faz: I'm in love with the simplicity and how it looks like now. It's clean. Everything seems right at the moment. But most probably I'm changing the saddle to Selle Italia SLR.

Pedal Room: Anything else you'd like to say?

Faz: A big shout out to Patrick for hooking me up with Leader Bike USA, and not to forget PEONFX for giving me the best. Stop spending times indoors, take out your bike and give it a good spin. Thanks for the featured. A great website I must say! Ride safe, Malaysia Boleh!

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