Pedal Room: What's your name, where do you live, and what do you do?
Hi my name is Shidi from Malaysia and i worked at a design studio called The Faculty.
Pedal Room: How long have you been riding, and how often do you ride?
Shidi: I have been riding since 2009 and I ride my bike almost weekly.
Pedal Room: Any memorable riding stories?
Shidi: I think the most memorable ride for me was my third ride on a fixed back in 2009, in an event called Tour of Singapore. The ride took about 130km, cycling around the Singapore island, with other riders from Singapore. My friend and I were the only ones from Malaysia. We drove for about 5 hours to get from KL to Singapore. And we arrived literally about an hour before the ride started (at 3pm!). I haven't had that much sleep the night before but I really wanted to do the tour! Long story short, after 11 hours on the saddle, we manage to get our asses back to finish line. I think you kinda can imagine how sore I was from sitting on the saddle.

Pedal Room: Sounds fun! Your Kinfolk is gorgeous! How'd you get ahold of this bike?
Shidi: Honestly, this bike is way too expensive for someone like me. Luckily, fate decided to intervene and I managed to get my hands on a rare Cinelli Laser frame. I thought I want to build the frame, but after finding out how expensive the legit parts were, plus, it wasn't my size, I put the Laser on sale and I got a good price for it. Then I bought myself my dream frame, a handmade Kinfolk!
Pedal Room: Nice. What else have you ridden, and how does the Kinfolk compare?
Shidi: My first bike was the KHS Flite 100. It was a nice ride, cheap for a good complete bike. Since I had the Kinfolk customised to my own style of riding and I did a bit more research on the geometry, I have to say it's a far better and more comfortable frame. Plus, the parts I'm using right now makes it more awesome to ride.

Pedal Room: What do you love/hate about your current bike setup? Any changes you're planning?
Shidi: At the moment, I manage to setup the bike with almost all Dura Ace components and I love it! But I don't really my current rims because I feel that its a bit heavy, so I'm planning to change it soon with box section rims like H+Son TB14 I can have a more tubular feel.
Pedal Room: You're part of RatsKL, right? Wanna tell us a little more about RatsKL?
Shidi: RatsKL is actually stand for Rats Kuala Lumpur. We're fixed gear that are based in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. We started off as only a few guys riding our conversion frames around the neighbourhood. Slowly the small group grew from a few a guys and then evolved into a fixed gear blog and then some of the guys slowly produced videos of them riding and having fun. After that, RatsKL got some serious exposure from other fixed gear/bicycle blogs. I'm kinda proud of how far the fixed gear scene has grew in just a couple of years, and I'd like to think RatsKL had something to do about it.
Pedal Room: That's great! Anything else you'd like to say?
Shidi: I would like to say thanks to Christian Coomer for giving me this opportunity to be featured on Pedal Room. And Ride Safe!