Pedal Room is the best place for bikes and cyclists. Since 2009 we've been trying to be the best place to share your bike, find and browse other bikes, and connect with other bicycle enthusiasts.
We're continually growing and always building new stuff.
Pedal Room is built and run by Christian Coomer, developer and bike enthusiast. Currently residing in Denver, CO.
Wanna help? Suggestions? Bugs/issues? Please contact us.
A Quick Note on Websites
Coomer here, site developer and admin. Since 1996 or so, I've been building websites. I've seen the web change a lot in that time, and I don't like a lot of what I see.
When I started Pedal Room in 2009 it was shortly after building a blog syndication project, fourteenteeth. Most of those blogs are long gone, and it's sad. I try to keep Pedal Room up, and it's been a struggle with the horrible people that are spammers, but I'm working hard to fix things and keep the site up and useful.
I try hard to make Pedal Room something like the websites that I like - fast, reliable, and free of so many of the bad ads, privacy intrusions, and dark UI patterns present these days.
In recent years I've learned to take a mobile-friendly approach to websites, and am currently in the process of making Pedal Room mobile friendly.
I'm trying to improve. It's a lot of work but finally getting there. Thanks to everyone who has been around and is still reading this. Cheers!