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1988 Cannondale Road Bike

56cm Cannondale road

KHS / silver 1" headset

More Info:
Bought this frame about 2 years ago because I always wanted a vintage Cannondale. It was already rawed with the original decals removed. I had it set up as a fixed commuter for a short while but always felt it deserved better. This is the end product. The current decals aren't correct for 1988 but I wanted it to resemble a 90's green Cannondale Track as much as possible. This will have gears. (SOLD - never got built up after being painted so decided to pass it on to someone who will enjoy it more than I.)

Added by dietrootbeer. Last updated over 10 years ago.

As of over 10 years ago, dietrootbeer has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



Dimaz says:

cool frame

Posted over 8 years ago


xwilkx says:

Is there a bike on this frame?

Posted about 10 years ago


dcondankz68 says:

perhaps you want to built it up like this? www.pedalroom.com/bike/vertical-dropout...

Posted about 11 years ago


niflhel says:

Uh oh you painted the steer tube? That'll probably have to come off before you can install a headset.

Posted over 11 years ago


PocosPeroLocos says:


Posted over 11 years ago


dietrootbeer says:

I realize this. I told the paint place not to but they did anyway. Oh well, its an easy fix. Nothing a little Aircraft paint remover cant handle.

Posted over 11 years ago


tricksonafixed says:

Why wouldn't it work

Posted over 11 years ago


Kevin_R says:

Wow, so much potential, can't wait to see this built!

Posted over 11 years ago


dietrootbeer says:

much appreciated. Will hopefully have it built soon.

Posted over 11 years ago


B96 says:

Cant wait to see the finished product

Posted over 11 years ago


dietrootbeer says:

Agreed, It'll likely get most of the parts that are currently on my KHS. Just figuring out what headset I want to use and need to track down some dura ace downt tube shifters.

Posted over 11 years ago