Tange Prestige
M732, M732
Added by OKHEYDEI. Last updated over 2 years ago.
If you don't mind me asking, what size is your Axis and how does it fit you? I'm about 5'6"/7" and just picked up a 19" frame and i know it may be just a bit big, but may be able to convert it to a more gravel grinder
Posted almost 5 years ago
I think it's the 18" option. Looking at the 1989 catalog, the next size up is the 20.5". The bike fits great for me (5'9"). There's not that big of a change for the TT among the sizes. You could get bars that are a bit more swept back for an upright position
Posted almost 5 years ago
Hey, what´s the saddle? Thanks a lot!!
Posted almost 5 years ago
Hey! It's a Brooks Professional on the snow picture and a San Selle Marco Regal in the desert.
Posted almost 5 years ago
I believe it's a 27.0mm seat post. Definitely not a 27.2mm (had a seatpost i meant to use for this build until i realized it wouldn't work)
Posted almost 5 years ago