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2007 Njs Stratos Hawaii

First Njs bike. Backed by alot of history. More cool stuff on the way!

2007 Njs Stratos (Pearl white with Rainbow Flakes)(stamped)

Stock fork/ Hatta Super Swan Deluxe(stamped)

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sugino 75(stamped)170mm/ Sugino 75 bb(stamped)

Shimano SPD road

51:18/ Surly 18t cog/ Sugino Zen 51t(stamped)/ Izumi V Super Toughness chain(stamped)

B123AA 37mm(stamped)/ Nitto Jag 80mm(stamped)

Specialized Romin Evo Pro 155m/ Nitto Dynamic s83 27.2 Silver

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Silver Polish Hplus Son Tb14 32hole/ Suzue Pro Max gold/ Panasonic Ribmo 700x25

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Silver Polish Hplus Son Tb14 32hole/ Suzue Pro Max gold/ Panasonic Ribmo 700x25

More Info:
Blessed Previous owner: @dresearch

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. Initial
  2. Complete
  3. Trying
  4. Pretty much done

Current Stage Info:

I also use nitto risers right now but these are the latest pics.
I think this is pretty much done.

Added by quicksilver. Last updated over 7 years ago.



Renspoke says:

Those hubs with your whole drive train combo is incredible.

Posted about 7 years ago


quicksilver says:

Thanks man. It wasn’t even intentional at first too. But somehow it all came together. Even got a gold sticker on the downtube from a temple in Japan that supposed to bless the bike for safe riding.

Posted about 7 years ago


redbaron says:

Looks great!

Posted over 7 years ago


FABEL says:

I think you're doing it wrong,it seems your bike is riding you ;)

you're right about this frameset having a lot of history. incredible find & 2 thumbs up. I don't mean any harm, but your build is not doing this frameset any justice; hopefully it gets redone as time goes on - no hype or cheesy parts, just hardcore mashing w/o any fashion statement concerns

cherish this piece as I'm sure you will & if ever going to sell, please contact me. enjoy!

Posted over 8 years ago


ghostridethewhip says:


Posted over 8 years ago


quicksilver says:

Most of my builds have cheesy initial setups. I've got alot planned for this bike in the future. The next big thing are the wheels right now, which i'll be building a new set myself. From there it'll be a stem thats a little shorter and maybe a proper chainring. The aerospoke I usually don't run often but I have no choice since I sold my mavic elipse off of my Langster build (which is getting a carbon set pretty soon hopefully). For now thanks for the comment and i'll asure you that this will be a good build.

Posted over 8 years ago


quicksilver says:


Posted about 8 years ago