Picked up the frame on a good price. Gonna use it as a beater/commuter
2007 Raleigh Rush Hour Pro 57cm
Added by ernie_fixed. Last updated over 4 years ago.
As of over 4 years ago, ernie_fixed has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
Picked up the frame on a good price. Gonna use it as a beater/commuter
2007 Raleigh Rush Hour Pro 57cm
Added by ernie_fixed. Last updated over 4 years ago.
As of over 4 years ago, ernie_fixed has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
dietrootbeer says:
won one of these on ebay a few months ago for a great price and the seller backed out claiming it was damaged... such bs. cool frame though! still hope to own one some day
Posted about 9 years ago