2008 B4P 928 Carbon T-Cube
Bianchi Carbon
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo Record/ OmniRacer Ti Spindle-Ceramic Bearings
Look Keo 2 Max
Record Cassette/ Record Chain 10spd
Veloce Rear/ Record Front/ Veloce 2009 Ergo Shifters
Zoncolan/ SL-K Carbon
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
20h HED Belgium Tubular/ Sapim CX-Ray Spokes/ White Industries H2/ Vittoria Corsa Evo CX
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
24h HED Belgium Tubular/ Sapim CX-Ray Spokes/ White Industries H3/ Continental Competition Tubular
Added by max5480. Last updated almost 10 years ago.
How do you like that saddle? I'm looking into buying one.
Posted almost 12 years ago
its pretty good. i just got it for $30 so i can't complain. i like the way it looks. i've never really ridden a high end saddle that sucks bad. but then again i've only ridden (for duration) the ponza, toupe, brooks b17 narrow and zoncolan. i've liked them all
Posted almost 12 years ago
shihh man no! that ain't belong on an italian setup. put up more pics!
Posted almost 13 years ago
If you quickly switch between the first and the last pics (you can use the arrow keys too), it makes a 3D effect. :D Forgot what this phenomenon is called...
Posted almost 13 years ago
haha yea i spent like three hours doing that, it's almost better than looking at the bike in person.
Posted almost 13 years ago
shaweet, have you ridden it yet?
Posted almost 13 years ago
yeah, but only a little bit. Still trying to let my "extensor hallucis long" heal up from the tour over spring break.
Posted almost 13 years ago
VeniVidiViritin says:
Nice ride pics!
Posted almost 10 years ago