my dad gave me this bike and it was his 16th bday gift. pretty cool. first bike i got to strip bare and rework. thanks pops!
1969 chiorda
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
sakae ringyo/christophe toe clips
sun tour v-gt luxe
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
super champion/shimano/kenda
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
super champion/shimano/kenda
cinelli wrap/velocity bottle cage
Added by leather0210. Last updated over 12 years ago.
As of over 12 years ago, leather0210 has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
Looks nice, especially for being so old! Good work!
Posted almost 16 years ago
Thanks brotha...Dad's 16th bday gift in 1969. She's gonna get some care this Summer...Needs it...Haha.
Posted almost 16 years ago
statelypenguin says:
Okay so in your tumblr breakdown those look like Christophe toe clips. Lucky. Hold on to those cause the old ones are kind of hard to find. I would recommend getting new straps though. You can get sweet leather ones that keep it old school but still look bad ass.
Also, you ought to switch that bad boy to a fixed gear.
And finally, if you plan on painting that, you should use on Montana paints. Tons of colors and they hold up way better than Krylon and the like.
Posted over 15 years ago
leather0210 says:
Yea there actually going to get some leather ones because im getting a brown leather seat and grips i believe...
I'm debating going fixed on it because I have another bike too...Just soooo many hills in Ohio...You know that...Come on man!
P.S. Ummmm...shall we ride soon?
Posted over 15 years ago
statelypenguin says:
Sorry this is Bates. Matt Bates. And I saw your bike on tumblr but couldn't comment there, so I checked your facebook and found this site. Anyway, when you say brown leather, do you mean Brooks? Cause that would be awesome. As for the hills, yes. It's horrible. My fixie has gearing that would be more at home in a flatter area, and it kind of sucks.
But there's nothing like riding full speed then skidding to a stop. Anyway, I'm out.
Posted over 15 years ago