This is my Champagne Green Affinity Lo Pro. I'm going to change the Crankset, Saddle and if I have enough money, the Wheelset. A big thanks to Pony Bikes and Gear Shop to making this bike happen.
Champagne Green Affinity Lo Pro
Affinity Fork
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Lasco Original's/Alloy Standard Bottom Bracket
Surly 17t/Lasco Original/HKK Vertex
Kashimax 5Gold-4P/BBB
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Weinmann DP18/Formula/Vittoria Zaffiro
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Weinmann DP18/Formula/Vittoria Rubino
BBB Handle Bar Tape
Added by isaac. Last updated about 11 years ago.
As of about 11 years ago, isaac has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
i got some new pictures coming. Better quality than my cell phone pics.
Posted about 13 years ago
Nice work. I'm glad you finally got it together. How does it ride?
Posted about 13 years ago
Looks great. It's a sweet bike. I really love the lo pro. It's a really awesome Bike. I recently found a small velodrome near where I live and the bike does wonders on the track.
Posted about 13 years ago
looks nice, I'd love to see a threaded 650 fork and front wheel on it. Lo Pro's look so good with quill stems
Posted about 13 years ago
Beachjay21 says:
know anyone or you have affinity fork for sale 1 inch?
Posted over 9 years ago