Found a guy riding this frame a couple month back, and he told me that he is selling his frame. long story short we make a deal and he sold it to me, took nearly 3 week to get the parts and putting it all together, it come out pretty nice,
Superb Sprint Size S
Carbon Fork / Prestine
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Dura Ace 48T / Sugino Super Lap
Look Keo Classic
48 - 17 / 17T Eightinch / Dura Ace 48T / Izumi
Selle Italia Titanium Flite / 3T Dorico Pro
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Phill Laced To TB14 / Gatorskin
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Phill Laced to TB14 / Vittoria Randonneur
Added by AdiZena. Last updated over 12 years ago.
Latest 20 Comments
awesome built man. fallin' love with the frame.. tell me if its up for sale
Posted over 12 years ago
this one is a keeper i think. but ill let you know if i change my mind :)
Posted about 12 years ago
i wonder what if this bike using threaded fork and quill stem, it must be awesome
Posted over 12 years ago
this is non threaded, i have been wanting to thread the headtube but haven't got anytime, i've been busy all month. maybe if i got the time ill thread the headtube.
Posted over 12 years ago
Are you using 2x cross lace for your wheel build?
I'm wondering on my new wheel build (suzue pro max 28h laced to archetypes) if for the front I should try 1x or 2x lacing?
Posted over 12 years ago
it really depend how you ride your bike, if im not mistaken 1x cross is radial laced is it?, well radial laced look much nicer than 2x cross but 2x cross is much stronger than radial. if you hit a bump with a radial laced it may ruin your wheelset. but if you are using 2x or 3x or maybe 4x cross it will not cause you that problem. the more crosses you do to you wheel the stronger it will be. so it depend it you want your bike to look more classy try using the radial. but if its a daily beater just use the 2x cross its more safe
Posted over 12 years ago
there goes my asnwer as to why when search the web of images of 1x laced wheelset I kept getting notthing and yesterday on here I did a search and it kept giving me radial laced bikes... now I know y :)
yeah 2x is usually what I ride, I was just trying something different... looking back at my felt f5 road bike, I believe the front was radial laced, and it was only 20h & it held up nicely, although it was a full carbon bike. not sure I'd tack that chance on a steel bike with chromo fork for a bike I'll use both on & off the velo.
Thanks for the insight.
how does the superbe sprint ride?
these frames look much better with low profile rims than the deep & aero bladed rims
Posted over 12 years ago
all i can say about the frame is lighter than any other frame that uses the 6000 series tubing. leader and visp or look alp frame is heavier than this i believe. the frame is quite aggressive and stiff, if you look other superb build the front clearance is tight but this superb doesn't use the original superb fork, because of that the ride is much comfortable because of the full carbon fork, thats all i can describe it.
Posted over 12 years ago
adiraka says:
Mantep om sepedanya btw aerozine stem nya beli dimana ya?
Posted over 11 years ago
AdiZena says:
Di temen
Posted over 11 years ago