BACO Columbus steel frame
Columbus steel fork/ Gipiemme
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Gipiemme pista/ Gipiemme pista
Gipiemme pista/ BRC Italy
Gipiemme/ BLB 17T/ Gipiemme/ DID
San-Marco Rolls/ Gipiemme
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Nisi/ Gipiemme/ continental Giro
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Nisi/ Gipiemme/ continental Giro
Added by SF-Elegance. Last updated about 10 years ago.
As of about 10 years ago, SF-Elegance has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
very nice. i'd never seen gipiemme track DOs... i just love lobster-claw track ends :-) on another note are you sure it's columbus ? with a 25.4 seatpost diameter it doesn't seem likely..?. my guess would be VITUS ? maybe it is a french frame ? the « av. » on the fork where the brake hole normally goes may mean « AVANT » (front) add the philippe stem/bar combo and.....
Posted over 10 years ago
alors les tubes sont fort probablement des VITUS et non des columbus (=
j'avais pas vu que t'étais français !
Posted over 10 years ago
le tube de fourche est bien gravé de la pense donc fortement que c'est du columbus...
Posted over 10 years ago
AWESOME bike! Super cool color. Stem angle is hard core! TWO THUMBS UP!!!
Posted over 10 years ago
kobe says:
thats a very nice bike man :)
Posted over 9 years ago