Cervelo T1
Stock carbon
Added by Bnut43. Last updated about 11 years ago.
As of about 11 years ago, Bnut43 has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
DAMN! always thougt that you need some really deep rims to make the T1 work. You changed me ! Hottest on pedalroom
Posted about 11 years ago
Look great! How do you like it compared to your past frames? I was being offered a T1 for my Low// but not sure if it would be worth it
Posted over 11 years ago
I've only had it a couple days, but first impression is great. It's a well designed frame, stiff and responsive. Quality and monetary value aside, it really depends on the type of ride you want, because the T1 and your LOW are two very different frames.
Posted over 11 years ago
Dhos says:
I've sent u a message ;)
Posted about 11 years ago