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Colnago Super Pista

wrecked it. Needs a new fork and downtube :'( Just a wall hanger now

70's Colnago Super Pista. Columbus tubing. Built for a Dutch rider, if I recall correctly from the summary the friend who sold it to me gave. Powdercoated because the paint was some lame-o team paint that was half-stripped when I got it.

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. Initial
  2. Revived (kinda)
  3. Stage 3

Added by AndyBmore. Last updated almost 5 years ago.

As of almost 5 years ago, AndyBmore has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



mirage says:

omg looks amazing/ those angles

Posted over 6 years ago


AndyBmore says:

Thanks! It was amazing to ride. I'm hoping a new fork will make it rideable again, though it may ultimately need a new downtube as well.

Posted over 6 years ago