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Crew Commuter

My cozy little commuter.

Crew District

Aventon aluminum

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
SRAM S300/GXP Bottom bracket

Black label platform

Shimano track cog, Shimano track 44T, Izumi

FSA Comet risers, Cinelli ANT stem

Cre bike co. Seat post, unbranded seat

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Black aerospoke, bontrager AW2 tire

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Formula hub, DP18 halos, Bontrager AW2 tire

Bontrager shifter grips

Added by Brotherscotch. Last updated over 10 years ago.



suuuupreMACY says:

Hey. I'd just wanna ask... I'm choosing a frame for myself. Aventon Mataro 49cm or Crew 49cm I'd really like your opinion. :) Help me out?

Posted almost 10 years ago


Brotherscotch says:

Yeah man. Unfortunately my aventon mataro started breaking down all over after a year of use. Seat clamp stopped working, cracked forks, lots of wear on the matte finish, and even a lean when I tried to ride with no hands. I can't say the crew won't do the same, but if I was going to buy another of one of them I would buy the crew. (The crew was also slightly lighter)

Posted almost 10 years ago


suuuupreMACY says:

Hey thanks for replying man! :) can you maybe update the gallery and take a photo of its downtube? I want to see if it's just a full circle or like a tear drop shape tube... your opinion's really helping me alot. Planning to get one by June for my birthday! :)

Posted almost 10 years ago


Brotherscotch says:

I still have most of these parts that make up the bike but they aren't together. The dpwntube on the aventon is a tear drop and the crew has a perfect circle. I also want to add that the integrated seat clamp on the aventon gave me trouble through out its lifespan and actually broke eventually.

Posted almost 10 years ago


Big_toque says:

Such a rad build. It's probably one of the few times that I'll say that an Aerospoke looks good on a build. lol. Great job.

Posted over 10 years ago


Brotherscotch says:

Thanks man. People really hate on them a lot where I'm from!

Posted over 10 years ago


Big_toque says:

Regardless of what people think, it's a solid build.

Posted over 10 years ago


swamady says:

beater =/= aerospoke hah really tho it looks sick, how do you like the frame? im getting one myself

Posted over 10 years ago


Brotherscotch says:

The frame was surprisingly stiff and light. Also aerospoke (raw) is currently on sale for $199 and I had to swoop.

Posted over 10 years ago


swamady says:

whaaat nvm then, thats a steal. don't care what people say about them I love how they look. also if you dont mind more questions, did you just buy the frame or the complete bike from citygrounds? my only bike was just stolen so I dont have the money to buy a bunch of new stuff and im wondering how the stock components are on it

Posted over 10 years ago


Brotherscotch says:

I bought the crew frame, headset, seatpost, drops, and cnc stem. I stopped using the stem and bars and upgraded. The frame I came from was a 2013 aventon mataro so I only have positive things to say about the crew district. The only thing I noticed was that the dropouts weren't tightened in, but I gave the screws some attention and everything has been cherry ever since.

Posted over 10 years ago


BrianTheProphet says:

how you feel about this frame? stiff? responsive?

Posted over 10 years ago


Brotherscotch says:

I came from an aventon mataro when building this one. I'd venture to say that it stacks up pretty well. For $150 you can't beat it man. And yes, it feels more stiff than my aventon.

Posted over 10 years ago


outofstep says:

Really is a stem for ants, huh? Haha jk jk

Posted over 10 years ago