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Cucchietti (Olmo)

The march of acquiring mystery frames continues. All details bear out that the frame and fork were produced by Olmo, as the lugs, frame details, fork crown, etc, are all identical to an early 80's Professional - but notably missing the Olmo engravings other than the famous star on the fork tanges. Gian Paolo Cucchietti was a piedmontese ex-pro who started his own company and apparently contracted out the building of the frames to other workshops.

Columbus SP / 59cm

Columbus SLX fork blades + vintage Cinelli crown / Campagnolo Chorus

Kelly cro-mo (110mm)

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. Initial
  2. Resurrected

Current Stage Info:

Frameset is being resurrected by Till at Yaad Cycles here in Stuttgart. New threadless 1" fork built with NOS Columbus tubing and a Cinelli crown. The frame will be getting a pump peg on the inside of the head tube, extra water bottle bosses on the seat tube and a few other things. Currently gathering parts.

Added by qwixoticle. Last updated about 1 month ago.

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