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Davidson Trackster

This is probably my favorite bike ever because we've apent so much time together and been through a lot together. It was in mint condition when I got it. It's carried more than it should, climbed and descended things, taken a few tumbles and a few ambulance rides, and it's still super cutty and fun. Will ride this bike as long as I can. For extra nerd points, notice the sleeved/brazed/telescoping top tube/seat stays into seat tube and also the seat tube ovalization into bb sup.

Davidson Trackster, Columbus MAX

Og Davidson fork/Shimano 600 headset

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
SRAM Om's 165/ GXP

Cheap steel bmx pedals with studs and Blackstar straps

EAI 17t/AARN 47t/and a chain

Really wide 25.4 MTB dad bars I found in the trash/Battle Hardened Grand Compe Quill/cloth tape

A Rolls that's seen too much/Ritchey Comp

No thank you

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Dura Ace 36h/ Velocity A23/Vic Rando

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Dura Ace 36h/Velocity A23/Vic Rando

A completely beat CETMA 5-rail with mismatched legs I found in another trashcan. 7 year old rack, won't die, has taken doors off, bent to shit, still can hold a coffee cup.

Added by Ianalva. Last updated over 8 years ago.



FeFst says:

I love my Davidson. Favorite bike I have ever had. Mine was 'mint condition' also... now after years and three cities later.. beat up, just keeps getting better looking over time. I will never let this frame go.

Posted over 8 years ago


Ianalva says:

Ha yeah I totally feel the same man. This is my favorite, I will ride it to it's grave. Always stoked when there's another Davidson work bike.

Posted over 8 years ago


Nathap470 says:

Did you bring this bike to denver naccc perhaps?

Posted over 8 years ago


Ianalva says:

Yeah dude, it was there. Denver was super fun.

Posted over 8 years ago


Nathap470 says:

Word I thought I recognized this bike, such a rad setup too. Check out my Concorde Squadra it is very similar to your Astore!

Posted over 8 years ago


Ianalva says:

Hey thanks. Yeah your's is really similar, just the slightly nicer version of mine, and a fresher build. Came with the same fork too. Picked it up for dirt cheap.

Posted over 8 years ago


velo-ciraptor says:

Way rad.

Posted over 8 years ago


Ianalva says:

Hey thanks man!

Posted over 8 years ago