Ryan Sau 's Bike owner of Oryx Beijing.
Cinelli Mash Bolt 12
Wound Up / Columbus
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo Record Pista
MKS Slyvan and Cadence Double Strap / Shimano 105
Victoire 18T / Campagnolo Record Pista 50T / DID NJS
San Marco Zoncolan / Thomson Masterpiece
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Zipp 404 / TUFO Elite SL
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Hplusson Archetype / Campagnolo Record / Panaracer Closer
KNOG Blinder
More Info:
so far it's the lightest MASH i've ever seen ! 6.4 KG with clipless pedals 6.7 KG with MKS Slyvan and Cadence Straps :)
Special Thanks to " Hublove " for featuring the build !
Added by felixsusanto. Last updated almost 12 years ago.
Latest 25 Comments
gak ada matinya si om felix sepedanya baru mulu ahahaha , stanridge masih ada bro?
Posted about 12 years ago
ini bkn pnya gw broh hehe ,, pnya temen gw yg foto"in ,, speda gw tetep stanridge :D
Posted about 12 years ago
ahahahha , tapi bener lix kirain gw cimash yang ini punya lo ahahaha
Posted about 12 years ago
cimash gw udh di jual hoho , yg bolt pertama trs gnti redistogram trs redistogram jg udh di jual
Posted about 12 years ago
What's with the saddle way up front and a pretty short stem? did you buy something too big?
Posted about 12 years ago
saddle positioning is set according to his taste , short stem for daily commuting and btw he's currently using riser though would you really get long stem for a riser bar ? *haters gonna hate, but for me it's his bike his adjustment*
Posted about 12 years ago
That saddle is too front. It's over the direct vertical line upwards from bottom bracket and the front position will probably make knees hurt when pedaling in the long run. Also longer stem would make the handling of the bike more relaxed but I guess you(or who ever rides this bike)like the aggressive/very responsive steering.
I normally use 100-110mm stem with risers but I guess that's only for the looks then..
Posted about 12 years ago
im not riding this bike :) it's my friend's i do agree with the saddle positioning you mention but still he prefer it this way and he didn't have any knees problem or any another discomfort,, about the stem he do prefer the aggressive and responsive steering thats why he got short stem he use the 100 x2 with the road bars ;)
Posted about 12 years ago
ridingfixed says:
Not loving the risers and how short the bullhorns are cut but whatever floats his boat
Posted about 11 years ago