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Fuji Track 2015

The evolution of the saddle height

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. Stock
  2. Pedals and Bars
  3. Wheels
  4. Drivetrain
  5. Seatpost
  6. Cockpit
  7. Murder Machine
  8. Practicality Pusher
  9. Aero AF
  10. Sold

Current Stage Info:

This bicycle began to collect dust, which was a sure sign that it was time for someone else to appreciate it.

I sure did go through a lot with this bicycle — physically, geographically, mentally, financially, emotionally — and am grateful for the times we shared.

The frame lives on, on the streets of Vancouver. Godspeed, Lyden Savage.

The cranksets are repurposed on Dean Wallace's bicycle. Sorry about the bum BB, mate.

The wheels I decided to keep, and refit to my Kuwahara. That prospective project sure does excite me.

The fork remains unsold, as does the variety of handlebars that I acquired over the years. To give up attachment is to give up unused bicycle parts too. Like all things, they will go in their own time.

Added by robbiwood. Last updated about 2 years ago.



Jehu says:

Did you have a growth spurt?

Posted almost 7 years ago


robbiwood says:

Saddle's been that high since 2 stages ago. Perhaps this image exaggerates it a little.

Posted almost 7 years ago


Jehu says:

Get it!!!

Posted about 8 years ago


likeworriedfire says:

Hell yeah! These bikes can be really fun. Really cool to see you slowly making it fit you better & ride the way you want it to! Also, TB14s ruuule.

Posted over 8 years ago


robbiwood says:

Yeah buddy! I love changing components on my bike almost as much as I love riding it. TB14s are the shit!!

Posted over 8 years ago


wendisukma says:

nice build dude

Posted over 8 years ago


tricksonafixed says:

If you're interested in ever getting a Thomson x2, I do have a 120mm 10 degree one for sale. It's been sitting around.

Just saying.

Posted over 8 years ago