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Grime Goat

My fgfs. Used for about 4 months before I got my track bike. Used for short distance commuting to school and work now.

Medium Grime Goat (47cm) Sulfur Yellow

Sadio Booster Fork + sadio headset

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Resist cranks (165mm)

Demolition Pedals with Mike Schmitt Burro Straps

Sadio Molar Sprocket (36t) + Shadow Conspiracy Half Link + Resist 15t cog and lockring

Sadio 420 Hot Bars + Shadow Conspiracy frontload stem

Demolition D-fat pivotal seat + Sadio pivotal seat post

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Sadio Viper Rims + Sadio Spark Hub

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Sadio Viper Rims + Sadio Spark Hub

Added by JayceeNSP. Last updated about 10 years ago.

As of about 10 years ago, JayceeNSP has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



ridingfixed says:

Any particular reason fgfs has the chainring on the left side? I think this is the 4th or 5th I've seen out of 10 on here like that

Posted about 11 years ago


JayceeNSP says:

Grind side preference. I grind with my pegs on the right side, so I ride left hand drive. I never ride pegs on my drive side because it would damage my drivetrain when I would grind or lead to nasty falls. Since it's fixed and the frame is RHD/LHD compatible, it's easy to switch drive sides.

Posted about 11 years ago


Jaysumthin says:

Always loved the grime goat!

Posted over 11 years ago


Rileyhunt says:

Hey I know this bike! I sold it to your father.

Posted over 11 years ago