“Dear Mr. xxx, My father, Karel Mintjens, was a fanatic biker. He inspired his youngest brother, who became pro- biker in the team from Eddy Merckx.(1969-1979) My father and Eddy became good friends. When later, Karel started up a local team, everybody had to drive a “EDDY MERCKX” bike , personalized with our companies logo “Karel Mintjens”. From those bikes, about 250 bikes where made, depending on the period, made from iron, aluminum, titan or carbon. We used to give them away to our customers on special occasions. Those bikes seemed to travel around the globe. I saw some pictures on the internet and if you google you can get more info about Eddy Merckx. If you have specific questions, I am glad to answer but I am not at all a technical guy about bikes so more about the bike itself I cannot give you but I am sure you can ask more info at “Eddy Merckx” company. Best regards, Carl Mintjens
Merckx Corsa/SL-Tubing - lighter than SLX but not as stiff. However a great Tubing.
Merckx Fork/Campy C-Record
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campy C-Record
Campy Record
Campy C-Record
I decided to put a white Rolls on this one/Campy C-Record
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Ventos on nice pariba tires (maaan, those were hard to get)
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Ventos too...
on this bike the Accessory is me...
More Info:
Bought it in the Netherlands from a Collector. It is almost NOS and a very smooth ride!!
Added by strange. Last updated over 9 years ago.
Latest 20 Comments
will soon get company?what does it mean Josch?
Posted about 13 years ago
ive bought another mintjens. but it was no merckx, so i sold it..
Posted almost 13 years ago
Did You put it together yourself? Gather all the parts so they complement each other? Or did You have a complete C-Record group? It is absolutely wonderful and it's impressive and I envy You...AND there's nothing like a bike built with such consistency in terms of parts choice. Excelent! Cheers.
Posted about 13 years ago
wow. thanks. well..ive made a few changes to the original bike. the group was complete, when ive bought it exept pedals and seatpost. original wheels were tubular so ive decided to put the ventos in. last step: white saddle and white bartape and the grey pariba tires. i often try different looks with my bikes but this one is complete the way it is. i dont think i could upgrade it somehow. i am very happy with the bike. :-)
Posted about 13 years ago
well, it's no suprise You're happy! Who wouldn't be? is there an EM logo engraved on the seat stay (just like it is on the fork crown)? you should really upload some more photos cause it's details that make this bike exceptional!!
Posted about 13 years ago
yes. it is. except the decals all is original merckx material. i will make some more pics someday. right now i am full into samson building.
Posted about 13 years ago
wtf ur collections.. museum bicycle?
Posted about 13 years ago
lol. nope. for a museum i need more expensive bikes i am afraid..:-)
Posted about 13 years ago
Hi! I think your bike is equipped with the Athena gruppo not the C-Record.
Posted over 13 years ago
Olly says:
Just received last week a "nude" Karel M-Corsa from EDM same color, 58cc. Pending to build it from scratch. Any advice ?
Posted about 12 years ago
strange says:
nice! i would love to see a pic.well. i think deep rims look sweet on the frame...a real eyecatcher. i think, that merckx always looks great with dura ace 7400. i would not recommend that group for a pinarello or gios, or de rosa, cause those deserve campy, but for a merckx, da is great.
Posted about 12 years ago
Olly says:
Build finished this summer. 310km on it
Posted over 10 years ago