Should I get a black rear deep v w/ black grip?
Mercier Kilo TT stripper chrome
Added by Ray. Last updated almost 13 years ago.
nice saddle! this is really appealing man. i love how the colors all go together.
Posted over 12 years ago
I never really understood the aerospoke hate. As I never understood the Deep V hate. Because the people who bitched about Deep Vs being too heavy tried to buy up all the Campy Shamals until they found out that the Shamal rims were heavier than Deep Vs, then their hipster heads almost popped off their necks and they quickly quit fixed gears and bought roadies and/or cross bikes. It looks like your bike fits you and your saddle and bars look level. My only complaint is to get some real foot retention and ride that bike into the ground.
Posted almost 13 years ago
Hahaha. You mean new pedals and straps?
Also do you think I'd feel a different of I got a new bb since its mercier stock right now.
Posted almost 13 years ago
yes, I mean new pedals and straps or clipless pedals if you prefer. I think you should be ok, with the stock crankset and bb. I had a kilo tt about 5 years ago. I didn't have any problems with the stock crankset and I eventually upgraded because that was what you did back then but I did it for aesthetic reasons not performance. But honestly since you're on a budget, it should be perfectly fine. There's no rush and in time if you want to change out the crankset and bb, go ahead and do so but most people aren't going to "feel" a difference, except for racers with quads the size of most mens' torsos. But pedals are different since you seem to be riding brakeless that means that your pedals basically have your life in their grasp. So please spend a decent dollar on a good pedal/strap set up.
Posted almost 13 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions. Yeah my life has pretty much been on those cheapo pedals, clips, and straps; any cheap but good alternatives?
Posted almost 13 years ago
inediblebuffalo says:
What saddle is that? Its beautiful
Posted over 12 years ago