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Mercier Kilo Stripper Chrome

Sugguestions would be nice (:

Mercier Custom Double Butted and Tapered Reynolds 520 Cromoly with Track Dropout, Externally butted seat tube, 31.8mm top tube (vertically ovalised near seat tube), 120mm Dropout spacing, Rack brazeons, Fender eyes

Mercier Custom Drawn Butted and Tapered 4130 Cromoly 1inch steerer with custom brazed flat crown 100mm spacing

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Silver iMiNUSD iD144 165mm crank length 144BCD 1/8" x 46T Chainring/Sealed bearing BB

All-City Standard Track Pedal White,White Plastic All-City Double Toe Clips

46t/16t Charge Masher Chain 1/8

Nashbar Track Bar, Ritchey Design Classic Stem

White Brev Seat .SL Micro Adjust Aluminum 250mm x 26.8mm

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
White Velocity Deep-V NMSW/ Formula(Origin8) Sealed Hub/Continental Ultra Gatorskin 700x23c

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
White Velocity Deep-V NMSW/ Formula(Origin8) Sealed Hub/Continental Ultra Gatorskin Hardshell 700x23c

White Knog Frog Front/Back, Super Mario Phone Charm,Homemade Hub Cleaner, White Profile Seatpost Aqua Rack

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. Initial
  2. Current

Current Stage Info:

Added a new Wheelset,Put back my gatorskins,Much better iMiNUSD Crackset, along with a Charge Masher chain. I was going to go for a deeper section wheel, but the regular deep v's is better suited for the way I ride not to mention its cheaper.

Added by JohnisEVIL. Last updated over 11 years ago.



AlvinGC says:

Silver Omniums, Silver Mavic Open Pros to Philwoods, Thread the fork and get a Nitto Jag / Nitto B125AA, Thomson Seatpost, and a Vintage style saddle.

Posted about 12 years ago


matchu says:

agreed with omniums and the wheelset, although dura ace hubs are way better in my opinion. Even the low flange are nice, and the njs stamp is nice to see. thompson post is good too, but as far as a vintage saddle id just go with something from the 80s because a brooks would look weird on a thompson. Also a threaded headset with a jag stem would look weird with omniums and a thompson, so keep it threadless and throw a nitto threadless or even a thompson two bolt with some ritchey classic curves. That'd look badass.

Posted over 10 years ago


CowsCycling says:

nice custom...

Posted over 12 years ago


JohnisEVIL says:

Thanks haha

Posted over 12 years ago


Ewwyou says:

sugggestion: get that huge kink out of the rear brake cable. maybe some chrome bolt on cable guides too.

Posted over 12 years ago


JohnisEVIL says:

Yeah,in the end I just decided to take out the brakes all together xD

Posted over 12 years ago


Rdnt says:

Very nice!
as far as sugestions:
H+ eros are also a good strong wheel if you want a deep dish rim for fixed.
H+ sl42 same strength & deepness they come in spolished silver, black and White with matching machined sidewalls. 32h. I use them on as my prefered rim. as strong as the b43's but not as heavey imo. . I like the miche primato/advanced, SRAM S300 Courier crankset w/ GXP BB, sugino rd-2 or messengers are also trusty crankset that come with BB for one price... all affordable under $200.00 us dollars.

Posted almost 13 years ago


JohnisEVIL says:

Thanks a lot! I have a better idea of what BB, Crankset to get now. What kind of hubs would you recomend?

Posted almost 13 years ago


Rdnt says:

hubs are like handlebars... it boils down to personal preformance or the goal you want to acheive. be it speed strength tricks pop-style..
I like Halo & Gran Compe hubs... because they give me the best speed and durable low maintenance, (if every they needed it. so far mo mantenance on either) for the price range I set for myself...you could get either or for $150 sometimes less on ebay/amazon for both the front & rear... I can't convince myself yet to spend more such as chris king or philwood... actually if interested check ebay out I have a pair of anodized purple halo hubs I that I only put about 30miles on them... if you decided to make something on you bike pop out & catch the eye (this isn't a sales pitch haha) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Halo-Front-Rear...

Posted almost 13 years ago