Campagnolo Athena
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo C-Record / Campagnolo Record
Campagnolo C-Record
Campagnolo C-Record
San Marco Rolls / Campagnolo C-Record
Campagnolo Delta 2nd Gen
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Campagnolo Shamal / C-Record
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Campagnolo Shamal / C-Record
Added by GrosNaze. Last updated about 12 years ago.
Excellent bike and group!! How is the rear C-Record (2nd gen.) working with ergopower an 8 speeds rear? I have similar parts to put in a bike and donĀ“t know how it works and allways wonder how it works. It was for 7 speeds rear. Real nice!
Posted about 12 years ago
Those aren't regular Deltas, they're 2nd Gen deltas! COOL! I love 8 speed, crisp shifting and chain has a longer life than 9-10-11. I am jealous of your Shamals though, because that would make my 90s Merckx complete.
Posted about 12 years ago
Great build! Although, I think 3ttt would look better over the cinelli
Posted about 12 years ago
nice job! also good choice to threw different gens of the c-record together
Posted about 12 years ago
2pwsmith says:
sexiest brake ever.
Posted about 12 years ago
enjayess says:
with the cable too short...
Posted about 12 years ago