no alpina fork - now nelson pista... got dura ace 7710 cranks for a steal :-D
Moda Forte
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Dura Ace 7710
Miche Cogs / Dura Ace Chainring 49t / Wippermann Chain
front brake for the cops in berlin
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Halo Aerotrack
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Halo Aerotrack
More Info:
Sold 02/13 - awesome frame though...
New owner:
Added by _nico. Last updated about 12 years ago.
As of about 12 years ago, _nico has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
Its rare that I like an aluminium bike, but this is nice and understated, thumbs up! I had a similar experience riding SPDs fixed, Keo ever since:)
Kennt man sich?
Gruß, Sascha
Posted about 12 years ago
also ich kenne keins deiner räder - wenn das fondriest von ebay ist, dann hatte ichs auch im auge...
wenn du mal bei fahrtwind events warst dann kennt man sich vllt
Posted about 12 years ago
wie hasten des mit der gabel geschafft? unfall oder verschleiss?
Posted over 12 years ago
unfall - bei 40 km/h + x aus den clickpedalen gezogen - nie wieder shimano spd...
broke the fork by unclipping (and crashing) from my shimano spd pedals while accelerating...
Posted over 12 years ago
how would you compare this to the precursa? in the market for a new frame and was looking at either of these two.
Posted about 13 years ago
the pre cursa is stiffer and slightly heavier. the moda has a higher bb (30cm). I feel more comfortable on the moda. Both bikes are really nice for the money. Paint chips off all the time on the dolan. Check these frames out. Similar to the dolan but smooth welds & no sloping:
Posted about 13 years ago
okay thanks. you're helping a lot in making this decision. is the moda fork drilled for a front brake? also how tall are you?
Posted almost 13 years ago
the moda isn't drilled for brakes. like the dolan i had garry @ keirin drill it for me. was way easier than the dolan. and i'm 1,83 -> 6'0 and it's a good fit!
Posted almost 13 years ago
Kevin_R says:
Wow, what a build and frame!
Posted almost 12 years ago