Bought the frame without a fork but luckily I found a matching on Ebay.
Moser Gipiemme
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo Pista
All Campy
Cinelli noname
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Nisi Mixer rims Campagnolo hub
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Nisi Mixer rims Campagnolo hub
Toe overlap!!!
Added by DiscoBiker. Last updated over 11 years ago.
As of over 11 years ago, DiscoBiker has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
how do you manage toe overlap if you cycle in the city (with all the stop-and-go and corners); can you give me any advice in steering pls?
Posted over 12 years ago
just use a 650c front wheel! otherwise i dont know any other option to avoid toe overlap
Posted over 12 years ago
lean into turns, dont steer as much. Toe overlap should only be a problem if you are going at very low speeds, at which i suggest to simply just take your feet out of the clips. Also, clipless pedals (spd-sl/spd) will minimize overlap.
Posted over 12 years ago
Toe overlap is vastly overrated as a problem for street ridden track bikes. I messengered for 10 years on a variety of old trackies -every one had toe overlap to varying degrees. You'
ll occasionally feel it as the front tyre hits your foot ,but it's just a momentary brush- the inertia of the fixed gear pushes it through and past without causing an actual problem. Maybe on an icy or oily road -the momentary deceleration of the front wheel may cause a slip and fall- but that's a "perfect storm" kind of situation.
Posted over 6 years ago
Ewwyou says:
i have no words to describe this.
Posted over 12 years ago