This Nagasawa Special is absolutely stunning and a strong contended for F5 (if not China) bike of the year. We sourced the full decal set and then resprayed the frame in grey and white.
Nagasawa Special NJS, 56cm
Hatta Swan Deluxe NJS
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sugino 75 NJS crankset, Sugino 75 NJS bottom bracket
MKS Custom Nuevo NJS pedals, MKS NJS clips, MKS Alfa Fit Sports NJS straps
Sugino Zen Racing NJS chainring, Dura Ace NJS cog and lockring, Izumi Super Toughness NJS chain
Kashimax Nagasawa Limited Special Edition, Nitto NJS seatpost
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
H Plus Son TB14 hard anodized rim, Phill Wood track
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
H Plus Son TB14 hard anodized rim, Phill Wood track
Five Gold top tube protector
Added by FactoryFive. Last updated almost 12 years ago.
FactoryFive has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
Albin_Blutwurst says:
Just wondering, what do you "spray" it with? How do you apply the colour and how do you make it long lasting?
Posted over 8 years ago