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Oh no a roadbike

Okok, cant go fixed 4 ever so i had the Plan to build a roadbike. Got an white industries wheelset for Super cheap and needed a frame, then found this. Someone build it in a framebuilding class but never build it up or even paintet it. I really like the oversized tubing in combination with the lugs and the chance to build in an 1 1/8 fork. Only problem: still giving away all my money for fixedgear parts so this projekt will probably take 4 ever... Update: got almost all the parts needed together. Decided to try and build it up with some lightweight bling i got my hands on in the last months. Really curious what it will weigth in the end, probably have to relace the wheelset to new rims becouse the hson are a little heavy and to narrow to work good with the ee brakes.

Selfbuild by some guy at the school for twowheel mechanics in Frankfurt, guided by Dietmar Hertel. Modified by the Dlouhy guys in Leipzig and my me.

Stiletto light / Tune Bobo

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sram force / hope

Sram red casette

Sram force 1×11

Enve / Extralite hyperstem

Flite carbonio / Ax lightness deadalus

Cane creek ee

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
White industries t11 /

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
White industries t11 /

Tune dc 130 quick release

More Info:
Tubing Columbus Cr.Mo NIVA. Weight with the current setup 7,75 Kg, i think thats pretty good for a steel roadbike :-)

Added by blitzbirk. Last updated 12 months ago.



blitzbirk says:

Sorry to the guy whos comment i deleted while trying to reply. Yeah, i also was unshure about the rims but i got them used for cheap with the matching holecount so i gave it a try.

Posted 12 months ago


ianiscaratti says:

Wie schwer ist ez nun mit de sx lightnes stütze und den bling teile? Tune würde auch gut passen...

Posted 12 months ago


blitzbirk says:

Sattelstütze musste ich auf thomson wehseln weil der setback bei der ax zu groß war. Wiegt so wie auf den Bildern nur ohne Flaschen 7,75 Kg.

Posted 12 months ago


jankoenig00 says:

Schaut richtig geil aus

Posted 12 months ago


blitzbirk says:

Thanks :*

Posted 12 months ago


jankoenig00 says:

Willste das noch lacken oder so lassen?

Posted about 1 year ago


blitzbirk says:

Nein, werde nur mit owatrol drüber gehen. Reicht schon das ich nach Jahren schwach werde und doch ins Rennrad game einsteige, da soll der Rahmen wenigstens ein bisschen rough bleiben :)

Posted about 1 year ago