Otero Cromovelato
Otero Cromovelato
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
/ Shimano
Added by planist. Last updated 10 months ago.
As of 10 months ago, planist has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
Beautiful frame, green is probably my favourite colour as not so common (Bianchi Celeste excluded :). If you ever decide to sell....
Posted about 5 years ago
Hi, thank you. You are right, Green Cromovelato is not so often. And then also an old Otero frame. I am still very happy about it, but still searching for some parts to start the build. regards, Peter
Posted about 5 years ago
Kekec65 says:
Hi Peter, some exquisite bikes you have, must admit. It took time to put this kind of collection together. Congrats!
Posted about 5 years ago