I have no idea how this thing is still alive. Started out as a commuter but has been a polo bike since 2011. And not gentle polo, either. Lots (LOTS) of high-speed crashes, hopping around, sloppy nose-pivots, getting hammered by my own mallet... It was even a work bike for a second. Thing's a damned trouper.
Masi Speciale Fixed 56cm
Surly Crosscheck / Ritchey Scuzzy Logic Pro
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sugino RD 165 / Shimano
White Industries 22T FW (polo gear) / Surly 16t cog and All-City lockring (street gear) / Surly 38T stainless ring / KMC
GT Dropnose re-upholstered with black denim (not great with the chafing) / Thomson
Avid SD-7 brake and lever
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Velocity Chukker 48H (even more dents) / Surly / Schwalbe Big Apple 29x2.0"
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Velocity Chukker 48H (broken spokes) / Surly fixed-free / Panaracer Ribmo 32c
More Info:
Front-brake-only lefty machine.
Bike History
Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.
Current Stage Info:
Back to polo mode, Spring 2016 'til Infinity.
Added by Sebastian. Last updated about 6 years ago.
As of about 6 years ago, Sebastian has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
sheepdog84 says:
nice! i didn't know cincy had bike polo... there are some gnarly hills around there.. ride safe!
Posted over 11 years ago
Sebastian says:
Yeah man, we sure do. Drop us a line if youre ever in this neck of the woods and want to play some pickup (Cincinnati Hardcourt Bike Polo on Facebook).
Posted over 11 years ago