Bought this Frame second hand some time ago. The parcel was really bad packed and everything was rolling around in the package. So the frame has some bad marks on it :( The biggest ones has ben covered with the Superhero sticker. The geometry of this frame is amazing and a fun to ride!
Polo&Bike CMNDR Mercury 58 Green
Alpina Carbon Fork
XLC Pedals with Straps
P&B Seat Post / Bontrager Serano RL Saddle
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Quando Rim / Michelin Dynamic Classic
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Quando Rim / Michelin Dynamic Classic
Added by albert88. Last updated 6 days ago.
As of almost 6 years ago, albert88 has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
That such a bummer that they did not pack it properly. Hope you they were able to sort things out with you about that. Anyways such a clean build! Love the gum tires and the color. Looks great!
Posted almost 7 years ago
It was second hand. Never got a bad packaging from a company....
Posted almost 7 years ago
PursuitCV says:
This is exactly what i'd have built if i didn't buy my williamsburg back in the day. Great looking bike man!
Posted over 6 years ago