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Purple Specialized Langster Steel 2010

After not riding for a long time I needed to get back on a bike. Luckily picked this one up locally for $240 complete with the Velocity's. Previous owner(s) stripped the beautiful red paint job and fabulously gave it a shitty grape purple paint job. Ain't mad though, I've been wanting a Steel Langster for some time now and got it for a decent deal. My future plans include making it a faux-NJS ride. Next steps are to upgrade the cranks to either IRD Defiants or Sugino 75's, Nitto RB-010's, Mavic Open Pros. Maybe a trispoke for funsies. Don't mind the shitty iPhone photos for now, I don't think it's quite ready for a real shoot yet.

52cm Specialized Langster Steel Reynolds 520

Langster steel stock fork and headset

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Sugino RD2 / n/a

MKS Sylvan Track / MKS Sylvan steel toe clips / handmade tobacco leather straps

Sugino RD2 / Origin8 16t / KyotoLoco 46t / gold KMC K710SL


Virtue Pursuit Bullhorns 38cm 25.4 / Nitto Jaguar 90mm NJS

Knockoff riveted design saddle / stock


Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Weinmann / Weinmann / Panaracer Pasela PT 23c

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Weinmann / Weinmann / Panaracer Pasela PT 23c

Pikachu!!!!! / handmade tobacco leather top tube protector

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. First purchased
  2. Campus "NJS" pursuit daily
  3. Campus "NJS" pursuit daily -V+Gum

Current Stage Info:

Sold the Velocities as I didn't like the deepness in them, wanted something cheaper to beat up and more low profile and lowkey. Used extra money from selling the Velocities to fund the Pasela gumwalls.

Added by droberto. Last updated over 8 years ago.

As of over 8 years ago, droberto has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



Jontenpls says:

She's a beauty! Are you willing to sell?

Posted over 8 years ago


hawaiifixed says:

Great choice on the color!

Posted about 9 years ago


AL2 says:

not bad, not bad at all.

Posted over 9 years ago


ghostridethewhip says:


Posted over 8 years ago