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Rossin Special from the mid 70s

One of the first Rossins ever made, from the mid 70s, before they had to change their Logo, because of a Copyright trial with Rossignol.

Columbus SL

Columbus SL / Campagnolo Record

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo Record / Campagnolo Record

Campagnolo Nuovo Record

Campagnolo (Rossin Panto)

Campagnolo Nuovo Record

Cinelli Campione del Mondo (old logo) / Cinelli A1 (Rossin Panto)

Concor Supercorsa / Campagnolo Nuovo Record Two-bolt (fluted Rossin Panto)

Campagnolo Super Record (Rossin Panto)

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Mavic G40 / Pelissier 2000 Professional

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Mavic G40 / Pelissier 2000 Professional

Added by rossin. Last updated almost 5 years ago.



Biker says:

Wow what an amazing bike, a true classic, do you have any idea on its value or worth?

Posted almost 12 years ago


rossin says:

a year ago ive seen the same modell in almost the exact condition sold at ebay.com for 3000 dollars... but i think ill never find out the worth of mine ;)

Posted almost 12 years ago


Teju123 says:

Hi, i have a bike that although is not the same standard as yours but is implacably the same. It is a Rossin, its say special on the sides and I am told its from the 1970s or 80s. Could you please ive me some information about it?

Posted about 12 years ago


rossin says:

hehe, from the 70s or 80s is a nice range... ;)
ill send you an mail including my email adress, so you can send me pictures.

Posted about 12 years ago


sloman says:

Bet it rides even twice as good as it looks. Awesome squared.

Posted about 12 years ago


rossin says:

Jup, its a racemachine modified with the first industrialbearing hubs. My favourit ride!

Posted about 12 years ago


stalag13 says:

That is amazing! With all of the panto'd bits, I could sit around and look at this all day.

Posted about 12 years ago


rossin says:

haha, i exactly do this since 4 years ;)
just added some more pics of the details. the chainring- and the seatpostpanto has the newer logo. normally im not into panto-stuff, but in that case im cool with it ;)

Posted about 12 years ago