90's track bike made for a member of the US national track team.
Serotta 59cm
Serotta (campy dropouts)/King grip nut
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
White Industries Eno/White Industries titanium
Odyssey w/ holdfast straps
Izumi track chain/white industries 46t
Thomson Elite/Selle Turbo
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Velocity Deep V/White Industries track hub/Fyxation tire
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Velocity Deep V/White Industries track hub & cog/Gator Skin tire
Added by elong8. Last updated almost 12 years ago.
awesome frameset, defo deserves to be treated with better components
Posted almost 12 years ago
I think the components are mostly solid. Not totally stoked about the velocity's or the pedal situation. But I just got started. I wanted to keep it as all american as possible.
Posted almost 12 years ago
first of all it was about pedals/straps, velocity rims are nice for city riding, but probably gonna look way better with stickers remved, and that gearing looks pretty weak.
Posted almost 12 years ago
I'm considering cages/pedals, but the strap setup is comfortable for the city. And I'd really wanted h+son rims, but this is a great start. And yeah- decals are coming off.
Posted almost 12 years ago
sealed says:
I appreciate the American-intent of the build. Keep the stickers, throw on a black front tire, white bar tape and a better set of foot retention and this bike rules.
Posted almost 12 years ago