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Skylmt SL-1

My daily ride/beater. Got a great deal on it. Currently messing around with weird patinas so I rubbed some curry on the frame.

Skylmt SL-1

Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Profile Splined

shadow conspiracy

Profile Splined


Demolition Kevlar

Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Unknown Rims

Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Unknown Rims + Resist Micro Drive

Added by Rileyhunt. Last updated almost 11 years ago.



Jaysumthin says:

Came back to look at your Makino, saw this skylmt. Great build up, hoping to do another FGFS build as well!

Posted over 10 years ago


Rileyhunt says:

Really nice with how cheap they are nowdays. Seems like as sport is loosing popularity lots of kids are abandoning their rides for unheard of losses. I at least got this for a steal.

Posted over 10 years ago


Jaysumthin says:

As much as they used to cost before, the costs to buy/ build one are just insanely cheap now. Glad you got it for a steal. I'm waiting for the day this person on my local craigslist will sell his Grime Goat for a little less than now.

Posted over 10 years ago


Rileyhunt says:

Very true. I actually let my grime goat go for very cheap. Went to a decent cause too, some short, local girls father bought it for her as it fit her better than typical geometries. Surprisingly felt good to let one go for so cheap since I was helping someone out.

Posted over 10 years ago


blackizwack1 says:

I really dig the raw frame/chrome fork look. Props

Posted almost 11 years ago


Rileyhunt says:

Thanks! When I bought the frame it was 2 layers of green over red acrylic paint so I had to hand sand it down for like 8 hours to get the frame to raw. So i'm fairly happy and proud of how it came out. I think as it starts to develop a nice rust and some weird patinas as I keep rubbing random stuff on it should turn it even cooler as it ages.

Posted almost 11 years ago