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Specialized Allez For Sale

Anyone in need of a crit frame? Let me know.

56cm Specialized Allez E5

Specialized / Cane Creek

Bike History

Click a link below to see past stages of this bike.

  1. Initial
  2. Mavic's
  3. Rival
  4. For Sale

Added by UCF_Eric. Last updated almost 12 years ago.

As of almost 12 years ago, UCF_Eric has indicated that they no longer own this bike.



Ihsan says:

Hey man how did u managed to get rid of the stock 20mm cone spacer?

Posted over 12 years ago


UCF_Eric says:

I purchased the original version of this. http://metallicpoutine.com/headset-bear...

To use it with the Cane Creek you need to install a .05mm micro spacer under it in order to be able to preload the headset bearings properly. I haven't had an issue with it yet.

Posted over 12 years ago


Ihsan says:

Awesome man! Finally found the solution.Where do u get the 0.5mm microspacers and how many microspacers used?

Posted over 12 years ago


UCF_Eric says:

I wasn't able to find a .5mm micro spacer so I just used a 1mm one, my LBS had a bunch of them they gave me a few. The topcap doesn't sit extremely flush with the headtube but .5mm isn't a lot.

Posted over 12 years ago


Ihsan says:

Ok noted.Ordered both lets just hope it'll work! thanks mate

Posted over 12 years ago


mile says:

Which one better, your previous colnago or this one?

Posted almost 13 years ago


UCF_Eric says:

The Colnago was nice, but I could never get it comfortable with the frame being a bit too large. The compact geo of the Allez works well with me and the bike rides like a dream with the new group.

Posted almost 13 years ago


homebrew says:

I'm diggin' that crankset.

Posted over 13 years ago