Sadly too many bikes atm, so this one is currently for sale. But really a beautiful frame with amazing lug detail and monostay rear. Seems a very rare custom also.
Spectrum cycles pursuit frame. 1996 with a very subtle turquoise to blue fade along its length. Hand made lugs and built by Tom Kellog
spectrum 650 fork, no brake drillings
Added by penguinspring. Last updated about 5 years ago.
super nice. that fork looks tiny like it could almost be for a 24"
Posted almost 10 years ago
Just think its a decent size of a frame thats making the fork look smaller than it actually is. Also its a pretty long frame ;)
Posted almost 10 years ago
No worries.. I got a 650 wheel that says otherwise . I will show it mocked up in the next wip photos :)
Posted almost 10 years ago
Nellar says:
Sold? I'm interested but what's the size?
Posted about 9 years ago
penguinspring says:
Yes. Still for sale, I will get you the measurements tomorrow when I am back home. Private message me your email and I will fire off some photos and sizes.
Posted about 9 years ago