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Zipp 2001_Bike#10_Max T_1

My pride and joy of bicycle collection

Added by maxtbicycle. Last updated about 11 years ago.



TWB-Third-World-Biker says:

Congratulations!, you have the ugliest,Zipp in all of pedalroom. The tasteless orange color and the tacky banners make this zipp a true winner.

Posted about 4 years ago


steelbuddie says:

What a fuckin' geometry, I like it :D

Posted about 9 years ago


serguei says:

your success story is really cool too, but why do you collect exactly zipp and lotus frames?

Posted over 11 years ago


maxtbicycle says:

I always have two exact things that I really love just in case.

Posted over 11 years ago


serguei says:

man you're crazy!

what are you doing for living?

Posted over 11 years ago


maxtbicycle says:

Architecture is my career.
Some people collect cars, motorcycles, watches. I happen to have passion in bicycles since I was in grade school. Bicycle is a smaller scale and is something within reachable and it is real. Anybody can own and share at least one bicycle in their life. I have passion for cars and motorcycles too but those are the things I will have when I get tire of bicycling. I use to have 2 motorcycles and I got rid of them. I used to drive sport car that I love very much but I also got rid of them too. Time changes in our life like a stock market.
I like to share with you a story and I hope it will inspire you and many bicycle fans:

Posted over 11 years ago


djnalom says:

Hello Max, how to adjust seat-post height on this bike ?

Posted over 11 years ago


maxtbicycle says:

Hello djnalom,
Before going with the process, you need to know the size of the frame and the beam.
Remember this, small frame small beam is for someone of 5’ 2” up to 5’ 8”. If you are taller than this, it is not your size, period and do not mess around with the beam because it would not do.
If you are taller than 5’ 8”, you can ride large frame, large beam, ok.
This is how I would adjust the beam height.
First trial:
Before anything else, turn the bolt counter clockwise on the top of beam at the top tube area. You would notice the beam start to push upward slowly and you can see the seat height moves upward. Adjust the height at your desire. Remember it is not a suspension bike, so do not try to push the beam downward with full weight like you would do with the full suspension mountain bike.
Note: If the beam and seat do not move upward, it means someone already cut the internal rubber cylinder inside the beam supporter system in order to adjust the beam to the lowest possible which is not recommended and the beam can be crushed against the hard bolt supporter without the support of the rubber cyclinder.

If first trial does not work, try a second trial:
Step 1: Unscrew beam adjustment bolt at top of a beam and unscrew the joint bolt at front end of the beam.
Step 2: Gently push the beam backward and uplift the beam at the same time.
Step 3: Notice there is a beam supporter system similar size of a cigarette box. Spin it clock and counter clockwise and notice it moves up and down. If that is not enough height for you, then go to step 4.
Step 3: Notice there are two round cylinder rubber on each side of a center screw thread beam supporter system. The rubber cylinders should be flushed or higher than the beam supporter system. If someone already cut the rubber cylinders off already. Then fill in the rubber holder by starting at the very bottom with the stainless still washers to your height desire. Now place the rubber cylinder rubber on top of the holder and start to assemble the beam gently back.
Warning: If you adjust the beam way too high beyond limit allow, the top of the beam at the joint area would rub against the frame. You will crack the beam at the top of the joint area and that would be the end of the Zipp frame.

Posted over 11 years ago


quixoticle says:

You've got some intense interior decoration going on.

Posted almost 12 years ago


maxtbicycle says:

Thank you

Posted almost 12 years ago