Bloody Pista Bars and a Double-Edged Story

June 15, 2011 08:47 PM by Coomer

It was Saturday night. A great night for riding, as long as you can dodge the drunks and idiots. The last thing I remember was the car pulling out in front of me, and swerving hard to avoid it.

I came to on the pavement with four screaming girls hovering over me. "Don't move! Wait for the ambulance!" I don't remember a ton. I remember I tried to convince the then-larger crowd that I was fine. Judging by the blood, I even tried to grab my bike and leave apparently. There was panic. There was blood. And pain.

Long story short, I broke my clavicle in three places, and only needed fourteen stitches in my head. I was banged up from head to toe, but lucky. It could've been a lot worse.

Always wear a helmet people. I wasn't when I wrecked. I'm very lucky to be typing this here today, and you can bet that I'll have a helmet the next time you see me on a bike.

Bad news - I'm out for a while as my clavicle heals from surgery. Good news - I'm alive and otherwise fine, I've got more time to design/work, and big things are coming on Pedal Room.

There's going to be a lot going on soon. I'm on the verge of releasing some stuff I've been working on for months, and I can't wait for you all to see it. It will be quite the change, and it's coming within the next couple weeks.

Stay tuned, and ride safe!

Tagged: pedalroom


Coomer Jun 18, 2011 at 10:53 PM CST Reply

Thanks guys! I'll heal up fast and be back on the streets with a helmet soon! Everyone ride safe!

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