Search Improvements - Part Two

July 03, 2010 12:45 AM by Coomer

Today we released our second round of search improvements. Now, when you do a bike search, we not only search the bike title, specs, and description, but we also search any tags associated with that bike. This should mean that you get more accurate search results.

We also added search boxes (and sometimes clickable search suggestions too - hooray!) to search results pages, so you can easily perform another quick search. We're thinking about expanding search options near the search box on search results pages, but we weren't sure. We'd love to hear what you guys and gals think and what you'd like to see!

Hope everyone has a good weekend! Ride safe!


Martha Mar 02, 2022 at 02:40 AM WET Reply

Hello, My name is Martha S. Riley and so amazing posts i am working same related things for my company

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