20" Surly Karate Monkey great condition, less than two months old. Love this bike but my LBS has a deal on a different 29er that I can't pass up so I'm selling this to help fund that.
Sold as is in the photo, buyer pays shipping on top. More detail about the bike is on my profile, but the saddle/seatpost/pedals/grips are Oury grips, stock wtb saddle, giant seatpost, wellgo pedals as pictured, not what they say on my acc.
If you're interested or have any questions post here or PM me.
Sold as is in the photo, buyer pays shipping on top. More detail about the bike is on my profile, but the saddle/seatpost/pedals/grips are Oury grips, stock wtb saddle, giant seatpost, wellgo pedals as pictured, not what they say on my acc.
If you're interested or have any questions post here or PM me.
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