[img]/f/a106a5b170_1.jpg[/img]Leader Renovatio with ENVE fork
54 size, ridden only 200 miles, yes it is true.
There are minor scratches on the frame but no dents or cracks.
Asking $330 for frame fork headset (enve compression plug)
Additional $50 for seatpost if you want it.[img]/f/37c284ab2c_1.jpg[/img][img]/f/37c284ab2c_2.jpg[/img]
54 size, ridden only 200 miles, yes it is true.
There are minor scratches on the frame but no dents or cracks.
Asking $330 for frame fork headset (enve compression plug)
Additional $50 for seatpost if you want it.[img]/f/37c284ab2c_1.jpg[/img][img]/f/37c284ab2c_2.jpg[/img]
Maybe selling aarn ?
I’m interested in the wheels.
Did you end up selling this Leader?
Hey, intersted. I've sent you a msg.
Still have wheels?
fire build
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