Very lightly used saddle, less than 75 miles on this. Kept telling myself it was comfortable but it just doesn't fit me. Great shape (and it looks great on a bike) there are some creases along the channels (from what I've seen its typical just because of the way it holds weight). Looking for $75 shipped CONUS
Roadrunner bags black tool roll $17 shipped
MKS NJS chain tensioners $25 shipped
Origin8 pro grip II pedal straps $16 shipped
Anykicks $35 shipped
Fyxation Pilot saddle $22 shipped
Roadrunner bags black tool roll $17 shipped
MKS NJS chain tensioners $25 shipped
Origin8 pro grip II pedal straps $16 shipped
Anykicks $35 shipped
Fyxation Pilot saddle $22 shipped
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