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WTB: Hold Fast Straps

March 4, 2015 04:16 AM
Building a new commuter and I want to give Hold Fast a try. What do you have?
From: Baltimore, MD
41 posts
7 bikes
March 4, 2015 04:36 AM
You don't want to give Hold Fast a try.
From: Portland, Oregon
7 posts
2 bikes
March 4, 2015 12:22 PM
Fair point. Looking for foot retention that won't scuff up my nice boots. I've always used pedals with cages and Toshi doubles, and that has slowly worn down my Vans. I want to avoid that. Any thoughts?
From: Baltimore, MD
41 posts
7 bikes
March 4, 2015 02:42 PM
I've had a good experience with the Burro Bags Holdfast Straps!

I liked the Mts Mudflap 2nd Edition, they weren't floppy and hard to get into like the actual hold fast brand straps. AND they have inserts!
From: Portland, Oregon.
246 posts
36 bikes
March 4, 2015 06:16 PM
I've been running ReLoad straps on my commuter for years and have not one bad thing to say about them. Plus the people there are top notch.
From: Buffalo, NY
202 posts
57 bikes

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