Location: Ocala, FL (for now)
1 bike
I didn't ride bicycles often once I got my driver's permit. Years later a friend's unfortunate accident inspired me to do a fundraiser in the form of a bike tour. The local bike shop, North Central Cyclery, put together a sweet bike on the (somewhat) cheap for me. After owning it for a while, I realized I wasn't ready for a big tour (from Illinois to Austin, TX) so I just stopped talking about it and was a bit ashamed to ride the bike. So recently, I got back on it while in New Mexico and decided one day that I could ride to Austin, TX just to ride there. So I did. I passed out slips of paper with her website on it along the way and en route her site disappeared. So I went on to New Orleans and hopped a greyhound to Ocala, Fl where I've already been hit by a car. Now I'll post up for a while and try to find work so I can blow all my money on another tour and maybe go home.... wherever that turns out to be! Maybe someday, after many many tours, I'll have a bike worth braggin' about. P.S. My map location is dead on, so come visit me or look for me riding around town and wave!!