Location: East Tennessee
1 bike
Website: http://spin4130.tumblr.com/
I'm Isaac. I live in East Tennessee where I moved after leaving the Midwest U.S. I dig TN quite a bit. I spend a lot of time on bicycles and this seems like a great place to do so. The town is big enough and small enough to bring several enjoyable elements to a cycling experience. My adventurist instinct calls me out past city limits a lot, but I have become known for urban cycling more than anything else. Cycling is my main way to shed stress and clear my mind. The biorhythms created and the tasks at hand on the bike can take a person to a point of self reflection and an ability to digest the days happenings that I refer to as "Two-Wheel Zen". The bike humbles the rider every time you get on. Any ride is going to have a tough part. It may be the flow of traffic, a chasing dog, a hill, or a mountain range. Point is, that it will make you work. It will hurt at least a little bit. It doesn't chose to put the hurt on just you. These sort of elements don't care if you are on the old steel ten speed from the shed, or the latest carbon aero beast. It doesn't matter if your Lycra matches your paint job, or if the seat of your cut-off jean shorts is falling out. Out on the bike you pedal. You will sweat. And if you ride with me, we'll probably have a really good time doing so.
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