My boss challenged me to build this klein into a bmx bike with only parts we had in the shop. It came in with a cheapo rst fork and some sweet xt components, no wheels etc. It was way too rough and incomplete to rebuild to it's former glory, but I love this build!
1990 Klein Pinnacle
Cunningham Nishiki fork, black XT headset
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Deore XT/Fancy sealed BB
Odyssey triple trap repops
Engagement Ring 36t, Surly 17t cog
Deore LX cantis/bmx levers
Added by Nathap470. Last updated almost 5 years ago.
As of almost 5 years ago, Nathap470 has indicated that they no longer own this bike.
This is gorgeous as all hell. I'm in love with this build, my man. I'd scoop that up in a heartbeat if I saw it at a garage sale or something. Looks like a blast.
Posted almost 5 years ago
Thanks man! It's been a pain in the ass to make the drivetrain work, but it rides so smooth!
Posted almost 5 years ago
marvswan says:
hella rad, my first 26' bmx build was off a rascal in stolen in portland. i love this...built a 17" lavadome recently....perfect frame for BMX conversion!
Posted almost 5 years ago