This was a craigslist find that I picked up as a birthday present for myself. The two things that really sold me on this frame were the Hetchins like lugs and cool mono-stay design. Before I could finish building it up, I crashed my keirin bike and broke my pinky which made wrenching and riding impossible. It took nearly three months, but my body and wallet have recovered from my accident. Here is the finished product, it rides like a dream! This frame was built by Colin Laing, an Englishman who moved to the United States and had a shop in Arizona. I don't know much about the history of this particular frame, other than it was built for a guy named Jerry Grence. My guess is that this frame was built sometime in the late eighties judging by the Reynolds 531 Professional decal. UPDATE: I recently learned that this frame was originally built as Colin's personal frame. At some point, it was repainted purple and sold to another person (Jerry Grence). I have seen a few other Colian frames with the wishbone stay, but never with such ornate lugs. The fact that this frame belonged to Colin really helps explain why mine is so unusual!
Colian Criterium 531C
Colian 531C/Campagnolo C-Record
Crankset/Bottom Bracket:
Campagnolo Centaur Century
MKS Road
Campagnolo Centaur Century/11-23/53/39
Campagnolo Centaur Century
San Marco Regal Perforated/American Classic
Campagnolo D Skeleton
Front Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Ambrosio Excellight SSC/Campagnolo Centaur Century
Rear Wheel/Hub/Tire:
Ambrosio Excellight SSC/Campagnolo Centaur Century
Added by ronisolomondds. Last updated about 8 years ago.
Sebastian says:
That is gorgeous. Love the seatstay wishbone.
Posted over 10 years ago