build in progress, came with Campagnolo bb and Modus hs, I have Cinelli intergralters and a flite saddle so far, would like disc rear seat tube appears to have been cut down, so I need expanding bolt, and perhaps an Alpine aero seat post
Added by saarf. Last updated almost 7 years ago.
shame it was cut but sounds like you have it handled. great looking frame. any back story? team bike?
Posted almost 10 years ago
It has a name tag on the nds tt
"The rider was probably Matthias Vanderhauwaert. The guy here on the right (left of the Belgian Champion)...He was not bad on national level. Became 2nd on the National Championships back in 2006 ("team pursuit") and 3rd in the"dernyrace". " so I have to do some more research regarding if it's a team frame, there are alu merckx roadies in the same decor
Posted almost 10 years ago
kobe says:
that's a pretty sick frame
Posted over 9 years ago