I saw this last year in the factory , last week Don Irio Tommasini let me buy it
Added by saarf. Last updated about 5 years ago.
Utterly beautiful!
A work of art, (I'm a sucker for lugged Tommassini frames).
A story about who owned it, whom it was built for and how you persuaded Mr T to sell it to you would be fascinating.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted about 5 years ago
saarf says:
Thanks , glad you like it
Here’s the deal
I was first introduced to Don Irio at L’Eroica Gaiole 2018
In April 2019 , my Italian friend took me to the factory , where I saw the mtb ,
I met Don Irio again at L’Eroica 2019 , and his brand put the photo of us together on their social media last December .
I messaged his youngest daughter ,Barbara , to ask if the mtb was still in the factory , and if I could by it .
Barbara said he was keeping it for a real enthusiast , so I said if he deemed me suitable , I would love to have it .
He deemed me suitable .
Posted about 5 years ago